At the 3W Ranch

At the 3W Ranch
At the Farm with Nana

Cape Code Vacation

Cape Code Vacation
Rose, M.C. and Daddy

Cape Cod

Cape Cod
Mary Catherine & Rose

Christmas '07

Christmas '07
Just the three of us and one on the way!

Cindy and Blake

Cindy and Blake
Blake arrives home with his Godmother

Blake's First Christmas in Salado

Blake's First Christmas in Salado
His first party at Margaret's Open House

Monday, April 27, 2009

Blake's Birthday Party is now Sunday afternoon May 3rd!

Friday, March 27, 2009

Blake is 11 months old

Blake is now 11 months old and have become so independent. Since he started to walk when he was 8 and half months, he is now running everywhere. When we go to a restaurant, he prefers of course to check out the kitchen and visit with the other tables. He is very sociable. One would think he is the manager on how he chcks out all the tables and makes sure the kitchen is running well. Eating his food is not as important now that he is mobile. He has lost his big belly and is growing a lot taller. He has about five teeth now, and loves to show them off. He prefers to eat whatever we are having to his baby food. He has great taste, and enjoys some of the finer foods. He has made many new friends at Gymboree which he attends three times a week. During Gymboree, he plays ball, and has fun climbing all over. He can walk better than most of his peers who are all older than he is. He gets along well with the other babies, except when they steal his ball. This causes a lot of emotion. He has come along way and does not cry or even look sad when someone takes his ball. He just takes it back from them .
Some of his words that he enjoys at this age include, birds, dog, up , down,MAMAAA, and DADA, and of course BAA, which is for Ball .
On Thursdays, we drive to Copperas Cove where Blake's Mommy does her exercise and Blake visits with the Powell's. They have goat and he enjoys seeing them. During his last visit, he rode in the red wagon all over and held on well. He cried when they left the goats.
During spring break, Blake experienced his second time camping in the RV. We went to Marble Falls and he enjoyed the campsite so. He played basketball, table tennis and golf. Golf was his favorite and he enjoyed playing along by rolling his golf ball. However, he did not sleep well and in the RV. After camping we drove to Louisiana to visit his Granny. He always sleeps through the night at the Farm. He enjoyed visiting with the cows, and made MOOO sounds every day.
Some bad news: Blake got his finger caught at the Caverns door. He cried for at least an hour and then fell asleep. He is about to lose his nail on his middle finger. It has turned black and is about to come off. He was a real trooper and never complained about it after that day. Oh, he also got into some ants in our back yard and has many ant bites. When we walk outside where he was attacked, he says , BAD ANTS......
His favorite toys still remain with playing ball. Lately, he has learned to shoot hoops in the small net set up inside the house. We make a big deal of it and dribble the ball and play a fun game of basketball. He is very proud of himself when he makes a basket. ... His one year old birthday is approaching. We will celebrate it at Gymboree.
Blake has made so many milestones this year. He still has a hrad time sleeping through the night. However when he visits Ms. Cindy in Round Rock, he always sleeps through the night. Ms . Cindy is his favorite all time fun person to be with. He loves her so much. I think he remember her when he first arrived out of Mommy' s tummy and was greeted by Cindy in the nursery. Cindy has recently taught Blake how to send kisses. He loves saying, GOOD- BYEE and sometimes will send a KISS. Blake alwasy smiles and laughs so much with Ms. Cindy.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Blake's favorite activities

Of course, Blake loves to point to everything. He likes to point to his fish in his room and makes fun sounds. A typical day for Blake is listening to his favorite songs and dancing. He rocks back and forth. When I am in the kitchen, Blake is right there taking out his pots and pans. He loves food, and makes a great UUMMM sound when he knows that I am cooking. He eats mostly adult food, and like to try everything. After breakfast, we usually play ball and Peek a boo. Blake also likes to hide in the house. I bought his first pair of shoes that squeak so that I Can find him.
He takes a nap each day at 9am and 1pm. He is ready to go after his naps, and will play until bedtime. I am always amazed at how much energy has when it is time for night night. WE are still trying to sleep through the night. But, he does sleep in his own room.

When we are outside playing, he digs up dirt, and just wanders around the yard kicking his ball. He seems to favor playing with a basketball, but football is fun too. When he was about 7 months, he started to pick up a basketball and dribble it. Now, he puts the basketball in the miniature hoops. He takes his ball everywhere. When I take him inside, he gets very upset. He prefers to play outside all day.

He is always ready to go somewhere and say, GOOD- BYEEE . When I tell him we are going outside, he is first to hit he door and run to see his favorite neighbor. On Wednedays we pick up Mary-Catherine from school. He is always ready to see her pretty smile. We are off to tennis and golf . Blake like to watch the golfers and entertains himself with golf balls. Playing ball is his favorite activity.

We will be celebrating Blake's first birthday on April 19th. He birthday is April 18th. I am so happy each day that I play with Blake and watch him grow. I am so happy to be a MOMMY.

Blake is walking everywhere

We have had many firsts so far. We just celebrated Blake's first Valentine's Day at Gymboree. We vi st Gymboree each day. Blake has learned so much. He loves to play ball and play outside in the yard. He has quite a vocabulary. Currently he can say, bath, bird, cow, broom, dog,sheep, MOMMY, Daddy, POO, POO. Today he learned how to say, " ROCK" while playing with rocks. He is very proud of himself and loves to rake the leaves and help sweep inside with the broom He is fond of all animals, especially sheep, bucks, ducks, and birds. He is learning more words each day.
Blake will be 11months the 18 of this month. He started walking at 8month and really walks fast.